The concept of City Development Plan (CDP) of Salkanpur is entirely different from CDPs being prepared for other towns. The Development Plan seeks to preserve its religious, Tourist, ancient historical temple and heritage fervour. Alongwith this, the Development Plan envisages suitable provision for development of suitable festival site to organize religious functions and suitable places for the convenience of the visitors, efficient and economic transport structure for tourists and devotees who come here during festival season, alongwith suitable land for residential and commercial use and development of basic service facilities.
The Draft City Development Plan for the holy town of Salkanpur has been prepared looking to the anticipated development needs for the year 2021. The Draft Development Plan is being published for inviting objections/ suggestions from the public. I wish honourable citizens and institutions shall rise to the occasion and come forward with their practical and constructive suggestions, so as to accord final shape to this ambitious plan as per wishes of public.